All users agree to comply with the following conditions of use.
Conditions for the use of the digitized collection
PLUME contains reproductions of works in the public domain, including physical copies that are property of the EPFL Library.
The scanned documents available on the platform can be used without restriction. The documents are marked with Public Domain Mark. They may be freely used for scientific purposes, and for private, non-commercial and commercial use. The EPFL Library defends the principle that the digitization of any cultural heritage cannot call into question the integrity of the public domain.
Any reuse, including commercial, is free and open to all, while respecting to mention the source: PLUME or the provision of the permanent identifier in a visible and easily accessible way (exemple:
For scanned documents, the user is free :
In the event of reuse of the files on any medium, the user is required to respect the right which confers on the author, in an inalienable and perpetual manner, the right to respect to his name, his position and of his work.
Using hypertext links to the site is authorized only if they do not contravene the interests of the EPFL Library, and more generally of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
The EPFL Library invites visitors of its digital library to inform us about any reuse of its files.
For ordering high definition versions of the documents, which can be reused under the same conditions mentioned before, and for any further information on data reuse, please contact:
Conditions for the use of descriptive metadata of documents in the digital library
The descriptive metadata of the documents in PLUMEare made available in Dublin Core, via the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting). The use of this protocol is free, as are its specifications :
The format of descriptive metadata is the unqualified Dublin Core (or "simple" Dublin Core). This format, designed to describe resources available on the Internet in a simple but unambiguous way, consists of fifteen descriptive elements.
The records, retrievable via the OAI-PMH protocol, are displayed in the OAI warehouse: :
The OAI warehouse is updated regularly. The use of this metadata is free and open to all, provided that PLUME is mentioned.
The user is authorized :